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Attendance and Punctuality

Expectation poster

Attendance rates in schools continue to be a national, governmental concern, and we therefore monitor our attendance figures regularly. Good attendance in school has a direct correlation with good achievement. Our Pastoral team is working hard to ensure that all pupils are in school, every day, accessing their curriculum with their teachers to ensure the best outcomes.  Please support your child by ensuring that they come to school every day, to ensure consistency in their teaching.

Attendancelateness pic

St John's recognises that good attendance and punctuality are central to raising standards and pupil attainment.

For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and be at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

Ensuring a child’s regular attendance at school is a parental responsibility and permitting absence from school without a good reason creates an offence in law and may result in prosecution.

In the case of exceptional circumstances, permission must be granted by the Head of School. Parents/carers must complete a ‘Leave of Absence in Term Time’ application which needs to be submitted at least four weeks before the intended date of absence.

Year Group Attendance Data

Below are the attendance figures for the year groups. These are updated each week. Please work with us to keep the attendance for each year group above 95%.

Attendance table

At St. John's we want to ensure that our pupils receive every opportunity available to achieve their full potential. In order to gain the most from school, children need to attend school regularly and on time. We know that when children miss lessons, due to absence or lateness, it has a negative impact on their progress. As teachers often plan sequences of lessons over a week or longer period of time, one missed day really does matter; it means that your child has to catch up on what has been missed. 

We want to ensure that pupils are in school for the maximum number of days. Our attendance target figure for all pupils is 96% which means missing school no more than 6 days per year, or two days per term.  Good attendance at primary school helps children develop skills for life; missing school seriously affects life opportunities. 

The school will at all times endeavour to support parents/carers in overcoming any barriers to achieving regular school attendance.

The school is unable to authorise any term time holiday.  In very special circumstances, the school may grant special leave if the necessary evidence is provided. 

In our policy, we have detailed our procedures for dealing with poor attendance and punctuality. 

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