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At St John’s, we would like to develop an interest in studying other languages, building on the natural thirst for the interesting world of other cultures. This feeds into our school ethos where many religions and cultures are represented in a wide community. Our aim is to use enjoyable and stimulating ways in teaching French as a language and exposing children to its culture in various ways. All essential skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing will be embedded in the process of learning.

Here at St Johns we teach French in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each class has a 1-hour lesson taught weekly by a qualified French teacher. The scheme of work used by the school is Rigolo from Oxford Press and it follows the amazing adventures of a family that discovers France through lively interactions and colourful stories.

  • Year 3 French Curriculum

  • Year 4 French Curriculum

  • Year 5 French Curriculum

  • Year 6 French Curriculum