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Extra curricular activites

A number of extra-curricular staff-led and outside agency-led activities are available to pupils throughout the year. These take place at various times in the school calendar and may be at lunchtime or after school.

Sporting activities make an extremely important and vibrant contribution to the life of St John's and there are always a number of sports going on throughout the year run by our highly committed staff as well as outside companies.

Sport Clubs

Sports clubs change on a termly basis and are run by out staff. They are available for certain year groups.  Please see the after school schedule above.


Orchestra Club is run on a Wednesday afternoon from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in the Upper School Hall. We encourage all  our musicians to take part in this club. Mrs Ogunniyi runs the club. If you are interested in your child joining, please speak to Mrs Lacey.

'Sing Up!' Club

This is open to any key stage 2 pupils who enjoy singing and want to be part of a choir. There will be numerous events throughout the year when the Sing Up Choir can take a lead. The club takes place on Tuesdays after-school for Years 3-6.

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