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Harrow Schools Counselling Partnership


The Space - A Place to Talk

Parents' Drop-In

As part of the Harrow Schools Counselling Partnership there will be a regular Parent’s Drop In at St John’s CE Primary School between 9-10am on Wednesdays, this is a strictly confidential space in which you may discuss any concerns you have about your child(ren) and/or receive emotional support due to difficulties that may be going on in your life i.e. bereavement, separation, stress, anxiety, etc. If you would like to attend or would like more information contact our therapist, Caterina.

To make an appointment contact

Name: Claudio Souza

Tel: 07901 000 609

E-mail:  cdesouzza.307@lgflmail.org

or leave message with the school office and he will get back to you.

Meet your HSCP Team

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Flip Your Lid

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