St John’s School Uganda Day
We have been very busy this year building relationships with our wider global community. We have created links with a new and upcoming kindergarten in Uganda. To mark our partnership with the ‘Royal Child’ kindergarten we lead a Uganda Day in school on Friday 21st June. Pupils were invited to attend school wearing the colours of the Ugandan Flag: Red, Black and Yellow. Pupils had a fun packed day exploring Uganda through dance, drama, cooking, singing, writing and a trip to our Ugandan Prayer Space. The Day concluded with a whole school assembly where pupils shared all that they had achieved and learnt throughout the day.
On Tuesday 2nd July Sean our supporter from the ‘Royal Child’ kindergarten in Uganda visited our school. He led assemblies in both schools where he spoke about the Kindergarten. This gave us all a greater insight into the work already achieved and further work required. We presented Sean with story sacks for the Kindergarten made by our Year 6 pupils. We also parented him with a link book created by each class across the school and a framed St John’s School cross. Sean was very grateful and excited to be taking such wonderful gifts back to the Kindergarten.
We have created a permanent Prayer Station in our Prayer Space so pupils can continue to pray for our Ugandan school and pupils.
Sean sent us the attached video showing him presenting our gifts to the pupils and in particular our St John’s cross.