Online Safety
Digital technology is changing the lives of everyone.
At St. John's C of E, we believe that technology has a critical role in equipping students for life in the 21st century and that it can have a positive impact on teaching and learning. To use these technologies effectively requires an awareness of the benefits and risks, the development of new skills, and an understanding of their appropriate and effective use both in and outside of the classroom, this includes understanding the dangers of the internet.
Through teaching computing, we equip children to participate in a rapidly-changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. We enable them to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also focus on developing the skills necessary for children to be able to use information in a non-discriminating and effective way. But more importantly, acquire the skills to know about how to stay safe when online.
If you have any concerns in this area please contact Miss Donnelly our designated Safeguarding Lead via the school office.
Online Safety in the Curriculum
Policies and Agreements

Online Safety Guides: Media and Gaming
Internet safety is becoming increasingly important with younger people now using the internet and mobile Apps. Below are some guides for popular games and social media Apps that parents and carers may find useful highlighting some of things they should beware of.
Minimum Age Restrictions
Children may have access to various different media Apps including TitTok, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and many more.
Many Apps require individuals to at least 13 years old to sign up for an account as a response to data-protection legislation.
Below is a guideline to the legal age in which children need to be in order to access certain Apps.
13 Years old and upwards:

Online Safety Guides (Gaming)
The documents below provide information about what the game is, the risks and how we can help our children stay safe if they are playing them.

Online Safety Guides (Media)
The documents below provide some useful information to keep children safe online.
Internet Safety Documents
Watch this space for: Newsletters, Parent Workshops and Online safety Letters
Hot topics will include:
- Apps awareness information
- Fake News
- Inappropriate content
- Grooming
- Sexting
- Identity theft
- Cyberbullying
- Self-harm
- Radicalisation
- Online reputation
Useful External Websites
- Think U Know - Information from CEOP about online abuse and exploitation
- Internet Matters - Information from BT, Sky, Talk Talk and Virgin
- Parents pack - posters, banners and presentations to use with parents
- Digital resilience toolkits
- Leaflets
- What the experts say
- Childnet - Information for parents and carers
- UK Safer Internet Centre parents advice
- The Parent Zone - guidance for parents and professionals working with families
- Parent Info - Excellent resource to include on school/setting websites
- NSPCC Online Safety - NSPCC Online Safety advice
- Parent Info - Excellent resource to include on school/setting websites
- NSPCC Online Safety - NSPCC Online Safety advice
- Barnardo's Follow me
- Barnardo's Be Safe guide for parents and children about sexual exploitation
- Parents Protect - Lucy Faithfull Foundation
- Get Safe Online
- Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI)
- Vodafone Digital Parenting
- EE Digital Living resources - for schools and parents and carers
Parental Controls
- UK Safer Internet Centre: Parents guide to new technology
- UK Safer Internet Centre: Parents guide to parental controls
- Internet Matters - Safe set up guides for devices and social media apps
- NSPCC Parental Controls
- Yahoo Safety Tips
- Google Safety Center - includes family safety
- How Computers Work
- NetLingo - common online acronyms and text speak e.g. LOL, POS
- Staying safe online: parental controls on broadband