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Governing Board

Contacting the Governing Board

To contact a member of the Governing Board, please telephone or e-mail Mrs Barnes in the School Office who will pass on your details and requests.

School telephone number: 020 8954 3978

School e-mail: office@stjohns.harrow.sch.uk

Mr Edwin Afeku

Elected Parent Governor

I am the parent of three children – our daughter has left St John’s School and is at high school, our son is currently a pupil and our toddler is, for want of a better idiom, ‘champing at the bit’ to start at St John’s School - I have many happy years to look forward to being part of our wonderful school community.

My wife is a project manager at the British Library - a fantastic place to discover, learn, play and be inspired.  My academic background is in oil and gas management with particular interest and focus on Health, Safety and Environmental issues.  I currently work at TfL as an operational staff with responsibility for Health and Safety.  My role affords me the flexibility to work nights so I am able to really cherish these early years with my children.  Prior to working for TfL, I was a relationship manager in a bank for 4 years.  

In order to make the best use of my time and expertise within the governing board, I serve on Finance & Premises committee and am link governor for writing.

EA 1

Ms Lysandra Dwyer

Local Authority Governor

I was appointed by the London Borough of Harrow and have been in post since September 2022.  As well as being a former pupil of the school, I have two children who have both attended schools in Harrow.  I, therefore, appreciate and understand the importance that a good educational experience should meet the holistic social and developmental needs of a child.

I have significant experience as a former Social Care & Education lawyer, where I held an extensive caseload of safeguarding vulnerable children and adults as well as training and advising Headteachers and Schools in relation to Admissions, Exclusions and other matters relating to educational law.

In my spare time, I enjoy going to the gym, spending time with family and friends and watching a variety of sports. I relax by reading, listening to music and cooking/baking.

I am the Chair of the Staffing Committee and member of the Headteacher’s Performance Management Review Committee and am the designated governor for safeguarding.

Lysandra Dwyer

Mrs Jo Hester - Headteacher

Mrs Claire Ingate

Foundation Governor appointed by the London Diocesan Board for Schools

I am a member of Stanmore Baptist Church and the Leader of 1st Stanmore Girls’ Brigade, where I am privileged to lead a wonderful group of girls aged 5-18. 

Our church works closely with St John’s Church to put on community events for children and their families and I have had the pleasure of getting to know a number of the St John’s School families through these events.

I am a trained primary school teacher and am currently working as a Teaching Assistant at North London Collegiate School.  I am married with two grown up children, who attended St John’s, and have always lived locally.

I am excited by the opportunity of being a governor and look forward to working in partnership with the staff, pupils and families.  I am a member of the Standards & Achievements Committee.

Claire Ingate

Mrs Tracey James

Foundation Governor appointed by the PCC of St John’s Church

I have two children who attended St John’s School before moving to High School.  I have previously been involved with the PFA, where I held the position of Chair for 2 years.  My professional background is in financial services and during many years in this sector I assisted numerous individuals and corporate organisations. I now run my own business supporting small to medium sized companies with planning, strategy, development and communication.

I have been a governor for some years and am currently a member of the Finance & Premises Committee and link governor for educational visits and staff wellbeing.

I am a regular worshipper at All Saints’ Harrow Weald. 

Miss Kelly Kehn (Chair of Governors)

Elected Parent Governor

I am mother to two children who attend St John’s School and hope my position as governor will allow me to contribute to a community that has already given us so much support, love and happiness.  I was elected Chair of Governors in December 2024 and am a member of the Standards & Achievements Committee and link governor for equality and SEN.

An MBA graduate of New York University’s Stern School of Business, I work as the Co-Founder of All-in Diversity Project, a non-profit dedicated to helping businesses progress their Diversity, Equality and Inclusion efforts across the world.

Having led businesses and teams in the US (where I'm from), Canada and the UK, I hope my business experience and my passion for people will contribute to the good works and future plans for the school.  I love taking an active role in my family's life and this position will allow me to understand better the challenges the school is facing and use my unique perspective to drive change.

My family attend St John’s Church.


Mrs Rachel Lacey

Dr. Abigail Miranda

Foundation Governor appointed by the London Diocesan Board for Schools

I am a qualified Educational Psychologist (EP) with a specialism in Early Years team.  Prior to qualifying as an EP, I worked in a Youth Offending Service, a secondary school and a Social Services department.  I am passionate about ensuring positive outcomes for all, especially vulnerable children and families.

I have two children and when I have some ‘spare’ time I enjoy curling up with a book.  I worship at Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury Church in Harrow, and I very much wanted to be a part of a church school due to my own faith. 

I chair the Standards & Achievement Committee, am a member of the Pay & Review Committee and the link governor for SEN, Early Years and children’s mental health/wellbeing.      

Mr Graham Nicholson

Ms Clemey Pagano

Foundation Governor appointed by Harrow Deanery Synod

My faith led me to St John’s Church in Stanmore and together with St John’s School these special places have become an extension of my family.  It is indeed wonderful to be part of this special community. 

My son is in Year 2 and his faith has been growing as has his Bible knowledge.  I see his confidence developing and his enthusiasm to learn.

Every child deserves a good education as it is their passport to the future and a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom and equality.  My aim as a governor is to support the school in providing the best education and opportunities for all children.

My professional background is in aviation.  I am an aircraft dispatch manager, responsible for the weight and balance of aircraft.  I have travelled extensively and had the honour to work for the late Queen Elizabeth II, Royal Family and the Government, being the only dispatcher onboard travelling overseas.  I am also a qualified NLP practitioner, coach, and childminder.

I am currently a member of the Standards & Achievements Committee and the link governor for music.

Clemey Pagano

Mr Jon Stephen

Foundation Governor appointed by the PCC of St John’s Church

I have been a Foundation Governor since September 2021 and was appointed by the PCC of St John’s Church in Stanmore, which is also the church my wife and I were married in.  I am a regular church-goer and hold my faith very dear to me.

I grew up in Stanmore and currently still reside locally in Pinner, with my wife and son.

My professional background is in accounting and finance, and I work as a Commercial Finance manager at one of the “Big 4” accounting firms.  I enjoy playing football and running in my spare time.

I am a member of the Admissions Committee, Finance & Premises Committee, Pay & Review Committee and link governor for reading.


The Revd Matthew Stone (Vice-Chair)

Ex-Officio Governor (Foundation)

I am the Rector of St John’s Church Stanmore and have been a governor since we moved to Stanmore in 2014.  I am married to a high school teacher, and we have one child who attends St John’s School and a son who has now progressed to high school.  Prior to moving to Stanmore, I was Vicar of All Saints’ Queensbury for six years, during which time I was Chair of Governors to a local infant school and junior school.  I have had an interest in education for many years and a desire to see all children flourish.  Prior to ordination I worked in retail banking and then for The Prince’s Trust.                                                                                  

I was Chair of Governors to St John's School 2015-2024 and am now Vice-Chair.  I also chair the Christian Ethos Committee and the Headteacher’s Performance Management Review Committee.  I am also a member of the Staffing Committee, one of the safeguarding governors and one of the RE governors.

Matthew New

Mr Chris Tapp

Co-opted governor, appointed by the governing board

I have been the Pastor of Stanmore Chapel since September 2018.  Prior to that I spent eight years serving as an Assistant Minister at churches in St Albans and in the West End of London. Before going into full-time church work I was the Chief Executive of a national money education and debt help charity.

I am married to Erica and we have three children; all of whom have attended St John’s School.  We feel very blessed to be part of the school community and so I am passionate about, as well as personally invested in, seeing the school continue to progress and thrive whilst retaining its clear Christian ethos.

I am also a keen player and watcher of sports, particularly football (especially my beloved Stockport County!).  As the son of two geography teachers I have also inherited a love of maps.

I chair the Finance & Premises Committee and Pay & Review Committee.  I am also a member of the Christian Ethos Committee, link governor for health & safety and one of the link RE governors.

CT pic Oct 2020

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