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Mental Health and Wellbeing

St John's Church of England Primary School offers high quality, nurturing provision that focuses on developing the whole child. This has been recognised through the awards the school has recieved including Healthy Schools London, Arts Mark, Music Mark and School Games Award.

When our mental health is good, we enjoy being around other people and we are able to take on challenges and new experiences. We recognise that for a child to achieve their full potential they need to develop strategies to practice looking after their physical, social and emotional wellbeing. This was recogised by OFSTED (2019) "...pupils’ personal development is at the heart of academic success" .

At our school we:                

  • develop children's emotional literacy
  • help children recocognise and understand feelings and emotions
  • develop children's emotional resilience
  • support children to manage emotional setbacks
  • encourage children to feel share concerns or worries
  • support children to form and maintain friendships
  • promote self-esteem and develop confidence

To support this:

  • all staff are trained to promote mental health and wellbeing such as 'Managing anxiety', 'recognising and supporting forms of attachment'.
  • Mrs Nussbaum is schools' Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead overseeing whole school policy and practice alongside Mrs Hester.
  • Mrs Pawson leads our School Council to hear our children's views and organises a 'steering group' for staff to promote the wellbeing of children, families and staff.
  • Mrs Pawson co-ordinates our Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) curriculum with SLT.
  • Children, families and our staff have access to Harrow School Counselling Partnership who provides a confidential space where thoughts and feelings can be freely shared and explored.
  • Mrs Lacey and Mrs Whitfield have been trained by Harrow School Counselling Partnership to offer a listening service which children can access at lunchtimes. 
  • As part of our Harrow School Counselling Partnership we have a Play Therapy comes in to support children weekly. This uses creative activities to communicate with the child 
  • All classes access Forest School at least twice every half term.
  • Fit for Sport promote wellbeing at Breakfast and After School Club as well as at lunchtimes. 
  • Mind Up is practised routinely in every classroom. 
  • Each class has a worry box and promote gratitude.
  • Specialist Music and French teacher


Our broad curiculum that focuses on developing the whole child means that all children are encouraged to celebrate successes and develop their strengths and talents.

Harrow Mental health and Well-Being team