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Regional Festival for Music for Youth 2018

St John's Orchestra


Sing Up Club


Sing Up Club also performed at the Regional Festival, dazzling everyone with an amazing performance of Hakuna Matata (Jambo Bwano) and "This is Me" from the film, "The Greatest Showman." High praise was given from the judges again for both songs. For Hakuna Matata they said, "The movement adds a suitable energy to this performance. High levels of communication too, through expressivel faces, and a very direct projection of the melodic phrases. Pitching is very good and voices seem well supported. An engaging and effective rendition." For the performance of "This is Me" the judges wrote, "A very strong solo opens this. You adopt an appropriate "pop" choir tone and approach. Free enough for it to sound convincingly like pop music, but still holding together as a choir. You achieve this with good diction and rhythmic unisons. The layered sections are well balanced. Overall a well prepared and stylishly delivered programme."

Well done to all in Sing Up Club.  We are so proud of you!

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