Magnard Ensemble Visit
Today the children in Year 4 and 5 were treated to a fantastic concert by the Magnard Ensemble, who are part of the CAVATINA TRUST.
The Magnard Ensemble is a Wind Quintet, which is made up of five wind instruments (Flute,Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and French Horn).
One of the highlights was hearing Rafferty's arrangement of Havana that he had written for the group to perform.

The children had lots of fun learning about the different instruments and especially enjoyed the part where the Bassoonist was able to inflate a glove on top of her Bassoon.
The French Horn player showed the children a fantastic way of feeling the vibrations of sound by using his mouthpiece and blowing down a hosepipe!
Each performer took it in turn to demonstrate their instrument to the children and explain how it works. They demonstrated the different pitched of the instruments and how each instrument makes its sound. They also talked about the composers of the pieces that they were playing.